新三丰公司是一家从事精密五金生产的**公司。主要生产精密轴芯、轴支、车床件、冲压件,年产量上亿支。产品主要用于打印机、健身器材、电动工具和家用电器等方面。 公司拥有一支高素质的工作团队,为客户提供满意的产品和服务是公司永远的目标和追求。 SANFENG CO.LTD., has been becoming a integrated company with producing, machining, selling,service and trade,which products mainly including,restricting implements,springs avoided jounce,precision shafts & axeltrees,motor etc.Canon,Panasonic,Sonic fromJapan and Samson and LG from Korea are all our customers,TCL and KONKA are important clients of ourselves. In China, the axeltrees brands of NMB and NSK from Japan are being sold by SANFENG CO.LTD as a agent. Qualified team of staff can afford excellent services and products for customers from abroad and domesti..